Saturday, December 25, 2010

Tron Legacy (25/12/10)

The Catch: ...

Not a big fan, but I like the tech. Watched it w/ my pretty cousin & lovely sis...

Gulliver's Travels (24/12/10)

The Catch: ...

Quite funny. Watched it w/ my cute sis n dearest mom...

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Let Me In a.k.a Let The Right One In / Lat Den Ratte Komma In - Swedish (12/12/10)

The Catch: (none)

In my two cents, it's wasn't really that good. Feel so gloom to watch a little kid as a vampire.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

The White Ribbon / Das Weisse Band (04/12/10 - German)

The Catch: (none)

I'm sorry to say that I don't really get what it means... Is it a true story? What's the moral story? @_@

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of The Dawn Treader (03/12/10)

The Catch: The last episode of Narnia?

Since I'm like 40mins late, I suppose I don't get much to say... Will try to re-watch it and we'll see how it goes.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Rapunzel: A Tangled Tale (02/12/10)

The Catch: (none)

As usual... Disney movies always refreshes you inside-out :)

Skyline (02/12/10)

The Catch: My friend told me that it's one h*ll of a movie (in a negative way)

Not believing what my friend said, I still watched it. As a result... It wasn't really THAT BAD, but it's just a no-meaning kinda movie. Something like Frozen or Cloverfield!
PS: I would say this is more like a romantic movie in a sci-fi set.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Next Three Days (28/11/10)

The Catch: If you've seen the trailer, you would loved it

There's something about this movie that really really 'catch' me from the very first time when I saw the trailer. And guess what? The chemistry's struck! I think this is the best movie of Russell CROWE so far. I like Liam NEESON too, but unfortunately his appearance is only for a couple of minutes.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Easy A (25/11/10)

The Catch: A review said that Emma STONE is Julia ROBERTS in work

Sooper Dooper Suxxx... So not recommended!!!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows - Part 1 (21/11/10)

The Catch: The 1st part of final episode

Unlike most of my friends and family, I wasn't really keen on Harry Potter when it first came out (The Philosopher's Stone) but getting more and more into it from its 6th episode, The Half Blood Prince.

The very part that I remember in this episode is that when Harry, Ron & Hermione teleported from Bill & Fleurs wedding to the Shaftesburry Avenue! ;)

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Adventure of Adele Blanc-Sec: The Rise of The Mummy (06/11/10)

The Catch: French French French...

Turns out, it was dubbed :( Not really a good movie,  no rush for this one. Just wait for the DVD release.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Megamind (05/11/10)

The Catch: Superhero movie will never be the same again

"I was born in a broken home. Literally!" --> hahaha... Seriously, there's no evil in this 'evil' movie!

Unstoppable (05/11/10)

The Catch:  INSPIRED by a true story

It was like watching The Taking of Pelham 1 2 3 + Speed (any sequel).

PS: Should I feel guilty if I think Chris PINE is absolutely & macho-ly gorgeous here? ;p

Due Date (05/11/10)

The Catch: Simply the comedy...

Quite funny, not a strong recommendation from me but still worth to watch.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Legend of The Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole (01/11/10)

The Catch: (none)

I don't think it suits the children, quite deep meaning yet the visual is more artistry than fun animation. Thumb up from me though.

Jackass 3D (01/11/10)

The Catch: What the h*ll is Johnny KNOXVILLE doin'?

H*ll nooo!!! Do not, let me repeat that, DO NOT watch this movie in the cinema. I'm just curious about this show, since I never watched it in the telly before. Learn the lesson from me!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

You Again (24/10/10)

The Catch: Looking for a refreshing closure of the day

Quite funny. Perfect casting, every actress fits the characters well. Surprisingly, it's just a comedy, not a RomCom :p (I mean, it's Kristen BELL for goodsake!)

Takers (24/10/10)

The Catch: Catching all the hunks

Similar to The Town (a movie that I watched yesterday), a notorious group of hunkies robbing the bank with a little twist of betrayal from the 'ex-colleague' who's demanding for a revenge. So, I might put it as = The Town + (the first) Italian Job?

The American (24/10/10)

The Catch: Silent action

A movie by & starred by George CLOONEY. I bet he must've like Italy so much ;)

Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Social Network (23/10/2010)

The Catch: Wanna know FB's history?

A legal-combat between the CEO (Mark ZUCKERBERG) - CFO (Eduardo SAVERIN) - pioneer concept (WINKLEVOSS twins) of Facebook. A bit boring, but from my personal p.o.v, I get a little bonus of previewing the next Spidey, Andrew GARFIELD (plays Eduardo SAVERIN) and the American version of Lisbeth SALANDER, Rooney MARA (plays Erica ALBRIGHT - the girl who ditched ZUCKERBERG and later on, the b*tch at his blog).

Eat Pray Love (23/10/2010)

The Catch: Italy - India - INDONESIA (not just Bali)

Obviously, it's the Indonesian in me that eagerly want to catch this movie ASAP. Unfortunately, I was on my own (so-called) self-finding holiday when this movie start premiering in town. As much as I understand what's the movie about, I still couldn't get it why it's so BIG? It surely not a common experience, but I guess Elizabeth GILBERT really a good writer to be able to 'pack' it nicely :)

The Town (23/10/2010)

The Catch: (none)

Really, nothing so catchy about this movie. But of course, no regret at all to have been watching it :p

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Dinner for Schmucks (17/10/10)

The Catch: I need all the comedy that I can get

This is completely and utterly satisfying. My friend told me that it wasn't THAT funny, but I kinda disagree. I think this is THE comedy of the year ;)

Love Steve CARELL and his character, Barry SPECK. Laughing my ass out on the spanking scene with Darla :D and and... Did you catch the "Mouse-terpiece" and "Mouse-alisa"? Hilarious ;)

PS: One of the producers... Sacha Baron COHEN!

Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps (17/10/10)

The Catch: For me, I've never seen the first one.

To think that it such a BIG movie, I'm kinda curious to watch it. With a splash of romance between LaBEOUF and MULLIGAN, I think it's not as 'big' as what people say.

Although they are really a couple in real life, I think they are not a perfect couple in this movie. Don't you think MULLIGAN is a bit too young for the role?

The Other Guy (17/10/10)

The Catch: I love Steve COOGAN haha...

Although there are many big names in this movie, my eyes is on COOGAN only ;)
Quite funny, good for lazy weekend.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Buried (16/10/10)

The Catch: Curious about a 94mins story in a plain box

Yeap, as predicted... It's a bit boring. I can only think of 2 climaxes; the one with the snake and at the end of the movie -not gonna spoiled it, just watch it for yourself-

Piranha (16/10/10)

The Catch: There's something about creatures and big monsters that fascinates me ;p

Not the ending that I expected, but it wasn't a bad movie at all. The young actor quite a catch too :p
(note this: Steven R. McQueen)

Life As We Know It (16/10/10)

The Catch: Seen the posters almost everywhere in London!

I kinda like it -considering I'm not a big fan of HEIGHL & DUHAMEL- and I got a little bonus of Josh LUCAS -which I never knew he was in it too-

Nowadays, rom-com has become more & more unique in terms of plot line. I'd say: GOOD! :)

Friday, September 17, 2010

Alpha & Omega (17/09/10)

The Catch: ?

First half sucks, second half not too shabby. I don't know what's wrong but Justin Long & Hayden Panettiere definitely not good in 'voicing' / working together? @_@

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Devil (16/09/10)

The Catch: The second best of M. Night SHYAMALAN

According to me, so far this is the second best movie from M. Night (Sixth Sense still on top for sure) -Shyamalan only write the story- Quite a thriller packed in 81mins!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Resident Evil 4: After Life (12/09/10)

The Catch: Was this the end?

Another story of Alice's (Mila JOVOVICH) struggle to ended Umbrella corp.s effort to develop a stronger T-virus with her DNA. Was this the end? Certainly NOT. I suppose we'll be expecting another sequel in a couple of years to come.

One of my friend said that it's a combination between: Prison Break + Heroes + Matrix + a little bit of Mission Impossible. Another added Ultraviolet as well. I don't know about Prison Break or Heroes, but definitely agree with Matrix & Ultraviolet. Like Die Hard 4 (which I think so very far from 'die hard'), I also feel like there's not much of 'resident evil' feeling here. A bit disappointed.

The Infidel (11/09/10)

The Catch: Cultural fusion

A comedy-art movie that combined with humanity value, suits me just fine. Quite a distinctive story, I like it!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Going The Distance (04/09/10)

The Catch: Barrymore-Long on-off

Watching this movie seems like picturing a bit of Drew & Justin's real life. Maybe that what makes it so natural, I love it!

The Hole (04/09/10)

The Catch: No catch, just a waste of time!

Ever since "Music & Lyrics" I never heard the name Haley BENNETT in any other movies, so when I saw this one... I am anxiously waiting for it! Two hours later, I am exiting the cinema with a huge disappointment. The story was just ok, nothing special.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

L'Arnacoeur (29/08/10 - French)

The Catch: Spotting Mrs. DEPP

A casual story-line with a twist of comedy. I don't really like the actors (including Vanessa PARADIS herself), but I manage to enjoy the whole movie :)

Saturday, August 28, 2010

The Joneses (28/08/10)

The Catch: Selling the American Life?

Another good movie for the weekend. I find MOORE and DUCOVNY match nicely here. Not to mention, a unique story makes it different with other RomCom movie.

Grown Ups (28/08/10)

The Catch: Another one from Happy Madison

A lot of people I know said it's funny. To me, there's only 2 scenes that really makes me laugh;
- the one where 4 of the guys switching their head when they eagerly want to check Rob SCHNEIDER's character hot-bods daughter without being too obvious, and
- the one where all of the guys peeing in the swimming pool that has been added some sort of chemical to turn the pee into 'blue'

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Frozen (21/08/10)

The Catch: ?

I watched it because I'm a movreak. This is one of the movie where there's no beginning & no ending. My suggestion, wait for the DVD release. Kinda wondering whether it's true story or not? @_@

Step Up 3 (21/08/10)

The Catch: Move that body!

Great one! I like the Robotic-with SamWORTHINGTON look- guy. So cool!!!
Kinda intrigued me to watch the 1st & 2nd again ;)

The Expendables (21/08/10)

The Catch: All the muscular gran-pops ;)

It was kinda amusing to watch this movie, especially the 2mins appreance of Arnold SCHWARZENNEGER & Bruce WILLIS. Can't really understand Jet LI's english :(

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Girl who Kicked The Hornet's Nest / Luftslottet Som Sprängdes (17/08/10 - Swedish)

The Catch: What's next for Lisbeth?

I'm gonna stop commenting on Lisbeth (not to say it's getting bad, but it's still the same strong character I loved!). Great ending, consistent on the story line. STRONGLY recommended to watch!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Centurion (15/08/10)

The Catch: Olga KURYLENKO

I would like to call this movie as a Roman version of 300 - Spartans. Guess what? There's even a resemblance on the cast (Michael FASSBENDER & Dominic WEST). In my personal opinion, I don't think Centurion is a good movie. I might not really keen on 300 - Spartans, but I still catch the 'artistic' angle of it. But this? Really?

The Girl who Played with Fire / Flickan Som Lekte Med Elden (15/08/10 - Swedish)

The Catch: Lisbeth Lisbeth Lisbeth

Again, I must admit Noomi RAPACE is a very good actress. I am not familiar about her but I just love the way she brings Lisbeth's character in a very dark-gothic yet simple & sophisticated.

Can't thank enough to Stieg LARSSON for writing such a great novel & creating brilliant character!

Friday, August 13, 2010

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo / Man Som Hatar Kvinnor (12/08/10 - Swedish)

The Catch: Said to be the best trilogy ever made

Applause for Stieg LARSSON for his remarkable book. I love every twist of this movie. The dark-gothic Lisbeth SALANDER was really well-played by Noomi RAPACE. Even the director Niels ARDEN OPLEV praises her when the movie received many good reviews.

Rest assure Hollywood will create their own version, where Mikael BLOMKVIST will be played by Daniel CRAIG. As for Lisbeth, names like Natalie PORTMAN and Emma WATSON are still in the air. We'll see how the remake goes...

Can't wait for the sequels: The Girl who Played with Fire (Flickan Som Lekte Med Elden) and The Girl who Kicked Hornet's Nest (Luftslottet Som Sprangdes).

Update (22/08/10): Lisbeth's character will be played by newcomer Mara ROONEY.

Friday, August 6, 2010

The Last Airbender (06/08/10)

The Catch: If you like Lord of The Ring to be made in Chinese, then you'll like this!

Amateur actors, slow-mo actions, repeated dialog. Very disappointed...

Salt (05/08/10)

The Catch: Jolie in blond / black?

Jolie seems more natural in this movie. Like her in this one, not so Lara Croft or Mrs. Smith -i.e. too exaggerating-

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

After Shock (01/08/10 - Mandarin)

The Catch: ?

I thought this will be one of the historical movie emphasized. Turns out, so dramaaa...
I guess I should've seen the tagline before bought the ticket.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

The Crazies (25/07/10)

The Catch: Another Romero's thriller

Not much to say, bottom line is... Useless efforts!

Sorcerer's Apprentice (24/07/10)

The Catch: (none)

At least it's making a lot more sense than Percy Jackson :p

Letters to God (24/07/10)

The Catch: (none)

Touching true story.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Inception (17/07/10)

The Catch: For most ppl: LeoDiCaprio. For me: CillianMurphy

The good thing is that I completely understand where the story flows.
The bad thing is that it's so Shutter Island.

I am just happy to leave the cinema un-puzzled :D

Friday, July 9, 2010

Despicable Me (10/07/10)

The Catch: Millions of Minions

I used to like how animated character resembled to the dubber. But this one is rather different.
Let's not mention Gru, we can see the big Jason SEGEL on the contrary of skinny Vector + Russell BRAND voicing Dr. Nefario!?!?!

It said: A bad man doesn't always bad ;)

Predators (10/07/10)

The Catch: Watch a mercenaries, death squad-er, Yakuza, convicts and doctor 'working' together.

Unfortunately I have never seen the original version of Predators, so can't compare Adrien to Arnie ;)
Overall it wasn't so bad. Not too dark, at least we have a clear view of what's going on, not always swamp-ing =P

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Shanghai (04/07/10)

The Catch: East meet West

... zzzzz ... ???

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Twilight Saga: Eclipse (03/07/10)

The Catch: Carlisle Cullen!!!

When everybody's screaming for Edward or Jacob, I'm still standing on my Carlisle =D
Bryce Dallas-Howard, good substitute of Rachelle Levefre.

Repo Man (03/07/10)

The Catch: Unreasonably believable

Everything could happen in this mad-crazy world. I do believe that someday, this reel could be real. However, the ending is kinda errr...
* Seeing Carice van Houten here, look familiar but no recognition at all.

Letters to Juliet (30/06/10)

The Catch: My mom said it's good

I find it casual... But I just love Seyfried's eye make-up ;p

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Knight & Day (26/06/10)

The Catch: The reunion of Cruise & Diaz

Although I'm quite a fan of Diaz, I'm not so keen on this one.
Story: too Mr & Mrs. Smith
Filming: too up-close
Acting: rated so-so

Toy Story 3 (26/06/10)

The Catch: Toy Story... A Touching Story...

It's NOT just a TOY story, but there's a deep feeling, relationship and meaning of 'always being there for you'. Two words: Love It.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Karate Kid (13/06/10)

The Catch: Jaden SMITH

He's originally and profoundly professional. Can't really imagine how he act in front of both of his parents. I adore his expression, very deep and 'mature'. I bet Jada & Will are very proud of him.

The A-Team (13/06/10)

The Catch: At first, Bradley Cooper.

Turns out, it's Liam Neeson. He's one h*ll of a hot hunk at his age...

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Nanny McPhee & The Big Bang (05/06/10)

The Catch: McPhee, with little 'c' and big 'P'

Another family movie. Good tips to teach your little one :)

Marmaduke (05/06/10)

The Catch: Dedicated for Owen Wilson's BIG fans

Yeap! If you're only a fan maybe this movie will disappoint you a bit. Unless you're a little kid who like dogs so much. It's a family movie, if I may say.

The Killers (05/06/10)

The Catch: Ashton Kutcher, the more you see him, the 'moore' you get ;)

It's only good from the first half of the movie, the rest? Not so much... I think it's too much action and not really funny. I also find Heighl a bit too 'mature' for Kutcher.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Sex & The City 2 (29/05/10)

The Catch: See the glamour side of New Abu Dhabi

The thing that I like about Carrie Bradshaw & the gank is the true friendship (which is very rare to find ;p) and the real story about female adults with their problems covered with a fairy-tale glamourous style. Ahhh... I bet it feels like 7th heaven for most women. Not in this sequel though. It's just too bad, because I already waited for this movie for about 1/2 year.

My friends always tease the movie with: Sex & The City 2 Old hahaha... For me, after watching it... It's Sex & The City 2 Exaggerating ;)

Prince of Persia, The Sands of Time (29/05/10)

The Catch: Movie critics praises Alfred Mollina more than Jake Gyllenhaal?

Of course everybody gonna say it's a great one, but it's a little bit too predictable, don't you think?

Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Ghost Writer (23/05/10)

The Catch: One of the lightest politics movie I can bear to watch haha...

It's political, so it's already a BOOO for me, but it turns out quite digestive-able ;) and oh... I like the serious Kim Cattrall =P

Shrek 4-ever After (23/05/10)

The Catch: Rediscovering 'true love'

Funny, I like the wordplay like... CATastrophe and reDONKEYlous =D

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Mother & Child (16/05/10)

The Catch: One of my MALE friend strongly recommend this one

It was a great movie, showing how complicated most women can be. No wonder man couldn't and wouldn't be able to understand us HA-HA...

The Last Song (16/05/10)

The Catch: (none)

Miley pretty mature here, like it much better than Hannah Montana of course ;) Hope the best for her and Liam, they make a cute couple together.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Losers (13/05/10)

The Catch: Evans Evans Evans!!!

Watched it, Like it, Love him! Haha... It's been so long, errr... Let me rephrase... It's been TOO long since I saw Evans in the big screen. Now that I've watched this movie, it's quite a pay-off. Subjective review? Guilty as charged haha... But I really enjoy every second of this movie. Just LOVEEE EVANS~!

Robin Hood (13/05/10)

The Catch: (none)

The very first beginning of Robin Hood legend. A bit boring for me & not to mention... Crowe-Blanchett? Weirrrddd...

Monday, May 10, 2010

Chloe (10/05/10)

The Catch: Explore your spouse furthermore

I think it's quite a great movie. Makes me wary of marriages though :p Can I wish to have a husband like Liam Neeson in this movie? Hahaha...

Sunday, May 9, 2010

My Name Is Khan (07/05/10)

The Catch: They say this is one of the great India's movie after Slumdog Millionaire

I must say two-thumbs up for Sharukh Khan's role, but overall it's like watching Forest Gump in a different set.

Hot Tub Time Machine (07/05/10)

The Catch: Cusack Cusack Cusack!

Only funny, not so much on the storyline.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Iron Man 2 (05/05/10)

The Catch: (none)

As good as the first one. Not a big fan, but surely worth to watch.

Solomon Kane (05/05/10)

The Catch: Most of my friends tell me it's good

It was alright, watch it when you want to kill some time. Otherwise, you wouldn't miss much either.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Bounty Hunter (24/04/10)

The Catch: Catch a spark between Anniston and Butler

Quite a boring movie and the worse part is that, I kinda have a feeling that Anniston and Butler is not suitable for their roles. Total dissapointment :(

Coco Chanel & Igor Stravinsky (French - 24/04/10)

The Catch: The life of Coco after Arthur 'Boy' Capel

For those of you whose into Coco perfume No. 5 (numero cinq), you might want to sneak a peak on how Gabrielle Chanel gets the 'passion' to create it.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Kick Ass (17/04/10)

The Catch: Dedicated to all of the comic fans

Thanks to my cousin who introduces me to this movie, I initially not so enthusiast about this one. It's refreshing, real-life superhero (although there's a lot of scenes that doesn't make any -common- sense) got beaten up hmmm... Intriguing isn't it?

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Diary of a Wimpy Kid (10/04/10)

The Catch: Surviving middle school

Good movie for your little bro/sis, not so much for young-adult though...

Date Night (10/04/10)

The Catch: Carell & Fey are an item

Not a great movie, but quite refreshing!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

A Single Man (04/04/10)

The Catch: Matthew Goode making out with Colin Firth ;p

As usual, there's nothing exciting about Oscar nominee drama genre movie. A story about how a professor, mourning after his gay-spouse death, so devastated until he wants to ended his. Accidentally helped by his disciple and ex-gf, he finally comes to his senses. But in the enddd... (the story goes =)

Clash Of The Titans (02/04/10)

The Catch: The mature version of Percy Jackson.

It is truly like watching Percy Jackson in years to come, when got older and was sent back to the ancient times. However, I find a little twist that... Perceus is actually the son of Zeus? and Percy is the son of Poseidon? Hmmm...

Book of Eli (02/04/10)

The Catch: I've been waiting for this movie for too long

It turns out... So-so. I just don't get it, they were in which period of time exactly?

When In Rome (02/04/10)

The Catch: The best of both world

Quite a refreshing movie, not a good choice of actor/ress though...

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Lovely Bones (31/03/10)

The Catch: (none)

Really really no catch. You can absolutely wait for the DVD release.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

How To Train Your Dragon (28/03/10)

The Catch: Simply entertaining

What could you ask more from DreamWorks? They're always create a fun(ny) and moving movie. Loving every minute of it! And oh... In another unrelated matter, did anybody notice that the boy who's fishing in the DreamWorks moon is getting bigger & bigger? ;)

Green Zone (28/03/10)

The Catch: Mattyyy...

Most of my friends told me that this is not a good movie (at least not what they expected from Matt "Jason Bourne" Damon, I suppose). But I love it, I think this is a genius movie of detective-soldier genre. Not just a good soldier, conduct strictly to the orders but also a thinker. I must say, it creates a new perspective of soldier in me.

Remember Me (27/03/10)

The Catch: See Rob.Patz in a -much- better angle

Rather than seeing him in all-pale-glittery skin and act-a-cool vampire, I much prefer seeing him in a real human flesh. I thought it was a great move and guess what? He's one of the producer too...

Cop Out (27/03/10)

The Catch: Bruce Willis & Tracy Morgan?

What an odd couple. I thought this is sooo not Bruce Willis. From John McClane to Jimmy (or should I say; "Haimy"? =) was a real drastic move.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Shutter Island (24/03/10)

The Catch: Scorsese's mind-game

I always like the collaboration of Scorsese and DiCaprio. This one though, felt more like one of Shyamalan's.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

LOL: Laughing Out Loud (French - 21/03/10)

The Catch: Complicated life of French teens

Not really a great movie... So-so story, common characters, teenagers are menace. I just wondering whether it is a true story?

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Alice in Wonderland (06/03/10)

The Catch: Colors everywhere...

Most people say it wasn't as good as what has been whispered. But I find it amusing! It's like a universal theme park for both youngsters and adults. It's colorful -literally and metaphorically- and I love every single characters in it (even the creepy tweedle-twin =). Not to mention the Red Queen? She's so adorable than miss-demeanor.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Agatha Cléry (French - 28/02/10)

The Catch: Elle est blanche, Elle est raciste, Elle va devenir noire!

Funny one! It's surely brighten up my day... Est-il vraiment existé? Le maladie d'Addison?

Saturday, February 27, 2010

My One & Only (27/02/10)

The Catch: Lousy parents are funny!

Bravo! Now that's what I call movie! Starting from the infidelity of a husband, made a never-been-working woman stands on her feet, supporting her two teenage boys. She might not have any experience in professional world, but one thing she has for sure... Integrity!
Traveling all across America trying to find a husband to support their life -but no one fits the shoes of course-, they ended up in California. In the land of Hollywood, George (Logan Lerman) become an actor and his step-brother Robbie (Mark Rendall) pursue his passion in costumes. Anne Deveraux (Renee Zellweger) finally realized that she doesn't need a husband to take care of her family, although she has many offers. "Everything will work out just fine"

Dear John (27/02/10)

The Catch: From the director of "Notebook" (?)

Well, I am not a big fan of romantic movies so I am not really eager to watch this one. However, it's been quite 'quiet' lately in the cinema, got no where to go... Well there I was, sitting in theater 4 waiting for Dear John to play. Letting some tears flow out of my eyes -as usual, darn it!- and it's just so-so.

From Paris With Love (27/02/10)

The Catch: Travolta & Rhys-Meyers

This movie is literally From Paris With Love. It wasn't so nice seeing Travolta playing a kickin' bad ass-good guy and the thin layer of moustache on Meyers. No surprise I felt it's a bit boring in the middle part.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Agora (26/02/10)

The Catch: (none)

A movie about theology, astronomy, love and war in humanity. Struggle between Jews and Christians, the initial discovery on eclipse, relations between slave-teacher-disciple. All around Alexandria. A bit heavy for the weekend.

Up In The Air (23/02/10)

The Catch: Golden Globe, Screen Actors Guild, Oscar...

I am not really a big fan of this movie, but I do value the point of life in this movie. I admire Alex Goran (Vera Farmiga) and the job Ryan Bingham (George Clooney) has to do ;)

Sunday, February 14, 2010

NINE (14/02/10)

The Catch: Guido Guido Guido...

I love everything about it! Plot, scene, stars, choreography and music -of course- I never thought I'd say this but... Two thumbs up for Penelopé Cruz! And Marion Cotillard? She's Just remarkable! You know what? This is one of the musical you shouldn't miss!

The Tournament (14/02/10)

The Catch: Mortal Combat in real life

Not so great movie, very brutal and weird stars. I wouldn't urged you to watch it in big screen, DL will do.

Friday, February 12, 2010

The Wolfman (13/02/10)

The Catch: You may take this as the prequel of Werewolf

I must say that this movie emphasizing more on the drama, perhaps because it's about the creation of the beginning of werewolf. A bit disappointed with that, but I never really excited to watch it anyway so I guess it's just ok for me.

Percy Jackson & The Lightning Thief (13/02/10)

The Catch: A little education of Greek Gods

Overall this is a good movie to me. I like to watch Logan Lerman and Alexandra Daddario (both play as Percy and Annabeth accordingly), their eyes was just sharp and bright. Love it, love it, love it! One funny thing, Hades -supposed to be the mean God- was played by Steve Coogan! So cute haha...

Valentine's Day (12/02/10)

The Catch: 19 stars in ONE movie.

George Lopez - 'wifey':
Marry your best-friend
Ashton Kutcher - Jessica Alba:
If you're really my friend, don't hide it from me. Spit it to my face!
Jennifer Garner - Patrick Dempsey:
Another cliché... Men get the lie, women take the revenge
Jessica Biel - Jamie Foxx:
Weird chemistry
Eric Dane - Bradley Cooper - Julia Roberts:
Queen Latifah - 'Vladimir':
When Russia meets African-American
Anne Hathaway - Topher Grace:
I love you just the way you are
Hector Elizondo - Shirley McClane:
Bury the affaire, admit it later? Ha-Ha...
Emma Roberts - Carter Jenkins:
We don't have to make it happen, it's should be magical
Taylor Lautner - Taylor Swift:
- what is it about Lautner that makes teens scream everytime he show up
- Swift usually looks smart to me... Shouldn't take this role, gives her the image of stupid-blonde

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Tooth Fairy (07/02/10)

The Catch: Ashley Judd in children movie?

Quite funny, not a big fan though. Well, it's always nice to bring along your little siblings or nephew/niece to watch it.

The Box (07/02/10)

The Catch: (none)

What a weird one! Another movie to wait for the DVD release.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

The Boys Are Back (04/02/10)

The Catch: See Clive Owen in family drama.

Good movie, not so much for the boys though. Mature content (literally, not 'adult' thingy) and a bit gloomy.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Imaginarium of Doctor ParnAssus (31/01/10)

The Catch: In memorial of Heath Ledger

I can only say: It's totally beyond my imagination, ironically... Not in a good way. I get a little bored in the middle of the movie, I guess the attraction lies within the 'imaginarium' icon of Tony which played by so many heart-throb (Heath Ledger, Johnny Depp, Jude Law and Colin Farrell).

Everybody's Fine (31/01/10)

The Catch: I thought I could use some laughs.

I was wrong, it's a total drama. This would be the first time I watched DeNiro as a mellow old man and family-less (can't think of other -if any-). I am kinda disappointed finding out that this is another gloom movie, considering I've been wetting my eyes lately. Nonetheless, I do like Sam Rockwell here... Seeing him cry so sincere, melts down my heart.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Brothers (30/01/10)

The Catch: (none)

I wasn't really enthusiast to watch this movie. Drama in a family, boring conversation and love affair just not really my thing. So I thought... So I thought... Turns out I cried my eyes out for this one. I can't really describe more, watch and you'll know.

Edge Of Darkness (30/01/10)

The Catch: Mel Gibson's back!

A dirty nuclear manufacturer behind Senator campaign killing all of the scientists of the project including Emma Charlotte Craven (Bojana Novakovic). The bad news is that Emma's father is a Boston detective, Thomas Craven (Mel Gibson). He doesn't give a darn care about the political, all he wants is the murderer of his daughter. Typical Gibson's movie, police-action. Sorta Lethal Weapon sequel.

The Spy Next Door (30/01/10)

The Catch: This is my catch: I got free ticket =)

It's a rather slow pace action movie, not really funny though. I think Jackie Chan better stick to Chris Tucker or Owen Wilson.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

New York, I Love You (24/01/10)

The Catch: If you like "Paris, Je T'aime" then you'll surely enjoy this one as well.

Bradley Cooper - Drea de Matteo:
Nervous after one night stand?
Justin Bartha - Eva Amurri:
Normal problem between young adult
Natalie Portman - Irrfan Khan:
It's a Jewish thing?
Hayden Christensen - Rachel Bilson - Andy Garcia:
Love triangle between a thief, mistress and married man
Orlando Bloom - Christina Richie:
Love over the phone
Olivia Thirlby - James Caan - Anton Yelchin - Blake Lively:
Heartbreak is manageable, kindness is totally paid off
Shia LaBoeuf - Julie Christie - John Hurt:
(I'm totally lost!)
Carlos Acosta - Jacind Barrett:
Eli Wallach - Cloris Leachman:
Love never dies
Robin Wright Penn - Chris Cooper:
Relight my fire
Maggie Q - Ethan Hawke - Emilie Ohana - Shu Qi - Ugur Yucel:
It's a long story...

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Legion (23/01/10)

The Catch: Speaking of apocalypse?

It's just sadly that the trailer has shown all the good parts of the movie. I've been expecting this movie enthusiastically, but it turns out so-so to me. Not a top notch from the critics, but I like the comments from E! Online (Luke Y. Thompson): "Angels with guns! Wing-fu! God-zombies! ..."

Law Abiding Citizen (23/01/10)

The Catch: Well... Hmmm... Just watch it!

Remember The Punisher (2004) or Death Sentence (2007)? This is another type of father's vengeance with a little twist of law. An engineer Clyde Shelton (Gerard Butler) spent 10 years time to plan and prepare the revenge of his family, who was killed in their own house, in front of his own eyes. Nick Rice (Jamie Foxx), prosecutor who was assigned to the case, was being forced by his boss to do an 'arrangement' with one of the killer to testify against his accomplice so he will get a lighter sentence.

Clyde master-minding and execute a series of murders (and admit it blatantly) behind the bars! With intention to teach all of the key-players behind the laws, especially Nick, for the real justice.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

It's Complicated (17/01/10)

The Catch: Funny ol'ppl =D

Laughing Out Loud. This is really what we do whilst watching this movie. I guess everything flows naturally and it -somehow- doesn't seems like just a scene. I can see the old chap sitting next to me was really enjoying this movie. Especially when it comes to the 'adult' jokes. Unfortunately, Steve Martin wasn't so funny here. His character is a bit undisclosed. Ou-ouhhh... Not to mention, Lake Bell was so bitchy here. Never see it coming.

The Blind Side (17/01/10)

The Catch: Touching!

My first fave female actress: Sandra Bullock. I suppose Leigh Anne Touhys will be so proud that her extraordinary life has been brought to the world, especially when Bullock plays you! I admire the Touhys, I thought there will be an internal struggle between the family members when she lets Michael Oher stay. Turns out everybode very supportive, even her teen daughter has acted up so mature. Standing ovation and applauses to this great family.

It's Not Me, I Swear (Canada-French - 16/01/10)

The Catch "C'est Pas Moi, Je Le Jure"

Two reviews that I like:
- Bad news for parents,
- Hilarious darkly comedic film.
Such words to perfectly describe =) and what's written in the posters:
"Swearing in 7 January" Haha...


Daybreakers (16/01/10)

The Catch: Bored with the sweet romantic vampire of the Twilight saga.

It's been so long since we saw Ethan Hawke in the big screen, now that I've watched him as a doctor vampire... Totally paid off! The best vampire movie in years! Different genre, different thrills.

Disclaimer: This is not an encouragement for 'weak' condition people due to most of the disturbing scenes.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Invictus (10/01/10)

The Catch: A look at the life of President of South Africa, Nelson Mandela and Rugby Captain, Francois Pienaar to unite his people. "Unconquered".

Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,

I thank whatever gods may be

For my unconquerable soul.
In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.

Under the bludgeonings of fate

My head is bloody, but unbowed.
Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,

And yet the menace of the years finds
And shall find me unafraid.
It matters not how strait the gate,

How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

Cirque Du Freak; The Vampire's Assistant (10/01/10)

The Catch: Cirque Du Freak! Catchy right?

Unfortunately... NOT! Not really funny, not so scary either. A lot of freak yesss, but generally I consider this movie as another teen movie. However, Willem Dafoe and Ken Watanabe is really bewildering me here. So not typical them-self, was it a good thing? Hmmm...

Motherhood (09/01/10)

The Catch: Mother and housewife mid-life crisis

Can't say much about this movie. It's just that initially I went to the cinema with a lot of excitement, but as the movie rolls along, doesn't seems so fantastic. I guess it's worth to wait for the DVD release.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

All About Steve (07/01/10)

The Catch: (Friend's DVD)

It was (or has not been) played in cinema yet, but a friend of mine show me the DVD and I quickly grab it hoping that it's another great movie from Sandra Bullock. It turns out... I'm absolutely 100% right! I even think this is the best movie of Bullock so far, and of course much better than The Proposal. The character was unusual, good ending (GOOD, not happy), let's face it... This is real life we're talking about and it has moral message: Don't change, for anyone.

Closing the year 2009, Bullock was claimed as the most influential female in film industry for the role that she played in The Blind Side. I haven't watch it yet, but now I'm convinced that she is some-kinda femme fatale. Rock on!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Did You Hear About The Morgans? (03/01/10)

The Catch: A fusion between Briton and American

Stepping on the 3rd day of 2010, I already found a great movie. A little romance in the air and a lot of comedy, that's what I have in mind. You should really catch it in the cinema and then again when the DVD has been released.

Sherlock Holmes (03/01/10)

The Catch: Cat got my tongue?

I am sorry that I am not too thrilled about this movie. Funny, yes I agreed. Not so great though.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

The Goods: Live Hard, Sell Hard (02/01/10)

The Catch: Jeremy Piven

I do laugh at some scenes, but overall I still think this is not really a good movie. Sorry... It feels like watching Piven's character in TV series Entourage, Agent Ari Gold. Ambitious and smooth-talker was that all about. However, he is the only reason I don't want' to missed this one. Misleading huh?!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Alvin & The Chipmunks 2 (01/01/10)

The Catch: The Squeakquels

Watching 3 talking and singing chipmunks a couple of years back was quite entertaining, so why don't we double it up this year? It's fun to watch the Chipmunks collaborate with the Chipettes.

Fourth Kind (01/01/10)

The Catch: I mistakenly thought it's another type of Resident Evil

You see, the thing about me when I'm heading to cinema is that, I don't want to know what's the story of the movie I'm about to watch. Just experience it and explore.

Alien encounter of The First Kind SIGHTING.
Alien encounter of The Second Kind EVIDENCE.
Alien encounter of The Third Kind CONTACT.
Alien encounter of The Fourth Kind ABDUCTION.
Based on true-fact, it's up to you to decide what's to believe.

PS: It's always nice to watch Ukrainian Jovovich apart from Resident Evil franchise.

Old Dogs (01/01/10)

The Catch: Funnie-movie

Another family movie from Disney. I enjoyed this movie very much, especially for a beginning of a new year. Feels so refreshing, enlighten your spirits and it just completes your holiday. Loveee Travolta and the gank!

The Princess & The Frog (28/12/09)

The Catch: Disney's Classic

Missing those Disney's classic cartoon? Here's your chance to catch it before it's totally vanished from the 3D-technology. It's a classic tale with a little twist. Quite refreshing, I must say. Do enjoy it with your little one.